Wednesday, November 07, 2007

awesomeness....highlights of the last couple of days

  • bowling with the staff (highlight for everyone except me as I sucked)
  • Being sore from bowling, pointing to the fact that I will be 30 in less than a week
  • Avery asking how old is God and me trying to answer in a restaurant bathroom stall as he poops and people keep coming in and out catching only part of the conversation
  • Hines Ward catching enough balls to help me win and stay in first place in my fantasy league
  • getting our finances back in order with budgets and debt snowball attack ideas
  • Avery saying very sleepily as we headed to his room last night "I wish I could play video games and sleep at the same time"
  • Jake consistently saying "I love you" to Laney and me without the usual bribery
  • Mason smiling at almost everyone he comes in contact with
  • The fact that currently the dawgs are controlling their destiny and may wear black jerseys Saturday (PS Dont call me from 330-7 Saturday)
  • My family is awesome and I have a great job


Lilli Momma said...

there is some mystical connection between pooping and your presence. we need to explore that further...

Chris Goeppner said...

your dawgs are red hot! my canes....