Monday, September 12, 2005

TIL(Things I've learned)

Came to some pretty cool realizations this weekend thanks to Gary's post on student ministry.

I came to Ridge Stone to help start a youth ministry. In the last few months I have been feeling God pulling me and my family(Laney is really involved with our childrens ministry) in a brand new direction.

One of the reasons I moved from traditional church to a church plant was that I wanted to grow a ministry structure that could be healthy and take care of every kid that came through the door. Not just as many kids that could be handled by the few volunteers we had, but be healthy enough that we have more than enough volunteers in place to make sure every kid has a relationship with a volunteer.

My new role as Family Pastor is exactly what I wanted to do. Even though I love working with kids and youth someone has to blaze the trail as a leader and equip, position and take care of leaders who can look after kids and recruit more leaders.

This doesnt mean that I am like some brilliant, creative and courageous leaders like Indiana Jones or something. When I say trail blazer I mean, I am littlerally running down some new trail with a lit torch and catching everything on fire, and sometimes screaming like a wee girl.

But at least the trail is lit. Like Gary says we don't have all the answers but we can talk about what mistakes we have made and learn from those.

Anyway check out Gary's/Andy's post on student ministry, it really hits where we are and why it's important to know your role

Be sure to click on "show original post" when you click on Gary / Andy

holla back


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